CS 331 Fall 2024

Computer Vision

Instructor Information

Michael Eckmann

office: Center for Integrated Sciences: CIS230E
office hours:
or by appointment
(suggestions: TBD)
email: meckmann at skidmore dot edu

Class Meetings

Lecture Monday  1:25 p.m. - 2:20 p.m. CIS 286
Lecture Tuesday / Thursday  2:10 p.m. - 3:30 p.m. CIS 286

Class notes

Instructional documents

Each student, in accepting enrollment at Skidmore College, agrees to the following code:

I hereby accept membership in the Skidmore College community and, with full realization
of the responsibilities inherent in membership, do agree to adhere to honesty and
integrity in all relationships, to be considerate of the rights of others, and to abide
by the college regulations.

See the syllabus for the other academic integrity policies.